Portrait of a lady, half-length, in a red coat with a leopard-fur mantle, pearls and jewels in her hair

Portrait of a lady, half-length, in a red coat with a leopard-fur mantle, pearls and jewels in her hair

Il Bacchiacca
作者:Il Bacchiacca ( 1494年 - 1557年 )

作品:Portrait of a lady, half-length, in a red coat with a leopard-fur mantle, pearls and jewels in her hair
尺寸:60.6cm × 46.7cm

Portrait of a lady, half-length, in a red coat with a leopard-fur mantle, pearls and jewels in her hair》(英文:Portrait of a lady, half-length, in a red coat with a leopard-fur mantle, pearls and jewels in her hair) 是意大利艺术家『Il Bacchiacca』 所作。