Black Grapes on a Carved Ivory Box, Peaches, Whitecurrants and Hazelnuts with a Hoch Glass on a Marble Ledge

Black Grapes on a Carved Ivory Box, Peaches, Whitecurrants and Hazelnuts with a Hoch Glass on a Marble Ledge

Edward Ladell
作者:Edward Ladell ( 1821年 - 1886年 )

作品:Black Grapes on a Carved Ivory Box, Peaches, Whitecurrants and Hazelnuts with a Hoch Glass on a Marble Ledge
尺寸:47cm × 39.4cm

Black Grapes on a Carved Ivory Box, Peaches, Whitecurrants and Hazelnuts with a Hoch Glass on a Marble Ledge》(英文:Black Grapes on a Carved Ivory Box, Peaches, Whitecurrants and Hazelnuts with a Hoch Glass on a Marble Ledge) 是英国艺术家『Edward Ladell』 所作。