Berengaria's Alarm for the Safety of her Husband, Richard Coeur de Lion, awakened by the sight of his girdle offered for sale at Rome

Berengaria's Alarm for the Safety of her Husband, Richard Coeur de Lion, awakened by the sight of his girdle offered for sale at Rome

Charles Allston Collins
作者:Charles Allston Collins ( 1828年 - 1873年 )

作品:Berengaria's Alarm for the Safety of her Husband, Richard Coeur de Lion, awakened by the sight of his girdle offered for sale at Rome
尺寸:101.2cm × 106.7cm

Berengaria's Alarm for the Safety of her Husband, Richard Coeur de Lion, awakened by the sight of his girdle offered for sale at Rome》(英文:Berengaria's Alarm for the Safety of her Husband, Richard Coeur de Lion, awakened by the sight of his girdle offered for sale at Rome) 是英国艺术家『Charles Allston Collins』 于1850年 所作。