Still life with Chestnuts, Hazelnuts in a Porcelain Bowl with a Roemer, an Apple, an Apricot, a Beetle and a Mouse

Still life with Chestnuts, Hazelnuts in a Porcelain Bowl with a Roemer, an Apple, an Apricot, a Beetle and a Mouse

Georg Flegel
作者:Georg Flegel ( 1566年 - 1638年 )

作品:Still life with Chestnuts, Hazelnuts in a Porcelain Bowl with a Roemer, an Apple, an Apricot, a Beetle and a Mouse
尺寸:18cm × 25cm

Still life with Chestnuts, Hazelnuts in a Porcelain Bowl with a Roemer, an Apple, an Apricot, a Beetle and a Mouse》(英文:Still life with Chestnuts, Hazelnuts in a Porcelain Bowl with a Roemer, an Apple, an Apricot, a Beetle and a Mouse) 是德国艺术家『Georg Flegel』 所作。
