Pronk Still Life with Silver and Gilt Vessels, a Nautilus Shell, Porcelain, Food and Other Items on a Draped Table

Pronk Still Life with Silver and Gilt Vessels, a Nautilus Shell, Porcelain, Food and Other Items on a Draped Table

Carstian Luyckx
作者:Carstian Luyckx ( 1623年 - 大约1675年 )

作品:Pronk Still Life with Silver and Gilt Vessels, a Nautilus Shell, Porcelain, Food and Other Items on a Draped Table
尺寸:80.7cm × 99.5cm

Pronk Still Life with Silver and Gilt Vessels, a Nautilus Shell, Porcelain, Food and Other Items on a Draped Table》(英文:Pronk Still Life with Silver and Gilt Vessels, a Nautilus Shell, Porcelain, Food and Other Items on a Draped Table) 是比利时艺术家『Carstian Luyckx』 于约1650年 所作。